SysIo  1.9.0
Embedded Library and tools

#include <tnc.hpp>

Public Types

enum  {
  SOH = 1, STX = 2, ETX = 3, EOT = 4,
  TXT = 5, CRC = 6, SUCCESS = 0, CRC_ERROR = -1,
  IO_ERROR = -6
enum  ePacketType { NO_PACKET = 0, APRS_PACKET = 1, SSDV_PACKET = 2, UNKN_PACKET = 3 }

Public Member Functions

int fclose (FILE *f)
int feof (FILE *f)
int ferror (FILE *f)
FILE * fopen (char *filename, char *mode)
unsigned fread (void *ptr, unsigned size, unsigned nobj, FILE *f)
void free (void *)
unsigned fwrite (void *ptr, unsigned size, unsigned nobj, FILE *f)
int getError ()
int getFdin () const
int getFdout () const
int getPacketType () const
int getRxlen ()
int getSsdvImageId () const
int getSsdvPacketId () const
void * malloc (unsigned nbytes)
int poll ()
const char * read () const
int read (void *buf, unsigned count)
void setFdin (int fdi)
void setFdout (int fdo)
 Tnc (unsigned iRxBufferSize=80)
int write (const char *buf)
int write (const void *buf, unsigned count)

Detailed Description

TNC Controller Class

Definition at line 28 of file tnc.hpp.