AvrIO  1.4.5
Bibliothèque C modulaire pour ATMEL AVR

Exemple simple qui fait clignoter une LED à chaque réception d'un paquet et qui renvoit une réponse. Elle récupère l'état d'un bouton poussoir envoyé par chaque capteur et bascule l'état d'une uatre LED en fonction.

* iDwaRF Tutorial - Hub style
* @author Christian Meinhardt, cmeinhardt@cwmsys.de for www.chip45.com
* @copyright iDwaRF-Net _ 2005-2007 All rights reserved.
* @anchor idwarf_tutorial_hub
#include <avrio/led.h>
#include <avrio/button.h>
#include <avrio/serial.h>
#include <avrio/delay.h>
#define AVRIO_DEBUG_STREAM &xSerialPort
#include <avrio/debug.h>
#include <idwarf/hub.h>
/* macros =================================================================== */
/* constants ================================================================ */
#define LED_RX LED_LED1
#define LED_TX LED_LED2
#define DEBUG_BAUDRATE 115200
/* public variables ========================================================= */
// array of sensors. Set to 1 if there's a ucValid sensor
uint8_t ucValid[10];
uint8_t ucValue = 0; // current sensor value that has its LED set
/* private functions ======================================================== */
prvvDebugInit (void) {
# define prvvDebugInit()
/* internal public functions ================================================ */
void cbSensorPacketReceived (PACKET_TYPES, uint16_t, uint8_t, volatile uint8_t *);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the main entry for the user Software
main (void) {
bool xOldButton = false;
vDbgPuts_P (PSTR("Testcode for the tutorial - hub style\r"));
// initialize the RF - Firmware
// register callback: function called, each time a sensor data packet is received
rfRegisterCBSensorDataReceived (cbSensorPacketReceived);
// the main loop
for (;;) {
if (xButGet(BUTTON) == BUTTON) {
if (xOldButton == false) {
// debug output
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < 10; n ++) {
vDbgPutDec (ucValid[n]);
vDbgPutc ('.');
vDbgPutc (' ');
// search for the next value sensor id
for (ucValue++; ucValue < 10; ucValue++) {
if (ucValid[ucValue])
if (ucValue == 10) { // if overflow | no sensor ucValid, search again
for (ucValue = 0; ucValue < 10; ucValue++) {
if (ucValid[ucValue])
if (ucValue == 10)
ucValue = 0; // no sensor ucValid - fallback to id 0
// debug output
vDbgPutDec (ucValue);
vDbgPutc (' ');
// mark all sensors as not ucValid for the next iteration
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
ucValid[n] = 0;
xOldButton = true;
else {
if (xOldButton == true)
xOldButton = false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// cbSensorPacketReceived (callback)
// xPacketType - the type of packet received: BIND_REQUEST or fixed/variable data packets
// DeviceID - id of the device the data was send from
// ucUserDataCount - amount of bytes / user data payload stored in pucBuffer
// pucBuffer - pointer to the transmitted data bytes. Only ucUserDataCount bytes are ucValid
void cbSensorPacketReceived (PACKET_TYPES xPacketType, uint16_t usDeviceId,
uint8_t ucUserDataCount, volatile uint8_t * pucBuffer) {
uint8_t lastPacket;
// a data paket from the sensor was received. Place your own code
if (ucUserDataCount > 1) {
if (*pucBuffer == 1) { // this packet triggers the LED toggle
vLedToggle (LED_RX);
lastPacket = pucBuffer[1]; // remember the packet number
else {
vLedToggle (LED_TX);
// set the backchannel data if there's storage free
if (rfIsBackchannelFree (usDeviceId)) {
// set the LED of the >ucValue< usDeviceId. All others are unset
// The beacon time is set to 2 fo faster reaction time.
// The packet number is retransmitted as an example.
rfSetBackchannelData (usDeviceId, usDeviceId == ucValue, 2, &lastPacket, 1);
ucValid[usDeviceId] = 1; // this Sensor is active & valid