AvrIO  1.4.5
Bibliothèque C modulaire pour ATMEL AVR

Exemple complet qui affiche sur la liaison série les informations reçues des capteurs qui intégre des commandes permettant de gérer l'intégration et l'exclusion des capteurs et de leur envoyer des informations.

* iDwaRF Terminal - Hub style
* @author Christian Meinhardt, cmeinhardt@cwmsys.de for www.chip45.com
* @copyright iDwaRF-Net © 2005-2007 All rights reserved.
* This file is part of the Terminal - program example - hub version.
* The devices (Sensors) connect to the hub and can be controlled by
* the serial interface. The code that implements the serial protocol,
* as well as the rf code is given here.
* This is a simulation of the users main.c File. It uses the
* iDwaRF Firmware to have access to the rf hardware. Take this code
* as an example and explore the possibilities.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <avrio/serial.h>
#include <avrio/term.h>
#include <avrio/util.h>
#include <avrio/led.h>
#include <idwarf/hub.h>
/* constants ================================================================ */
#define DEBUG_BAUDRATE 115200
#define ADC_SCALE 3.3
#define CMD_SIZE 21
#define BEACON_TIME IDWARF_SLEEP_TIME(5) // 5 sec.
/* public variables ========================================================= */
// buffered data, received from the sensor
uint8_t ucData[IDWARF_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
uint8_t ucDataLen = 0;
uint16_t usBeaconTime = BEACON_TIME;
// global flag for hex mode
enum {
HEX_FLAG = 0x01,
volatile uint8_t ucFlags = HEX_FLAG | PRINT_FLAG;
/* internal public functions ================================================ */
void vSensorPacketReceived (PACKET_TYPES, uint16_t, uint8_t, volatile uint8_t *);
void vProcessRxData (void);
void vPrintStatus (void);
void vPrintOk (void);
void vPrintBeaconTime (void);
void vPrintHelp (void);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Le programme principal
main (void) {
stdout = &xSerialPort;
printf_P (PSTR("\r\riDwaRF - Firmware v" __IDWARF_VERSION_STRING__ " Hub version\n\n"));
// initialise le firmware iDwaRF
printf_P(PSTR("Init... "));
rfInit(); // les interruptions sont validées...
// Enregistre les fonctions de traitement de l'utilisateur
printf_P(PSTR("Register Call Back functions... "));
rfRegisterCBSensorDataReceived (vSensorPacketReceived);
puts_P(PSTR("\nProcess All ..."));
for (;;) {
// la boucle principale gère les événements du réseau...
// if the serial callback has set this flag, there is new data to be processed.
// done here to prevent overload in the callback function
if (usSerialHit()) {
// show the saved data received with the last sensor packet
// OutStr takes some time - that's the reason why it is done here!
// ucData holds the data and ucDataLen is the amount of data stored in ucData.
if (ucDataLen > 0) {
uint8_t * pucData = ucData;
if ((ucFlags & HEX_FLAG) == 0) { // show data user friendly
if (ucDataLen >= 1) {
// Push Button state - 1 byte
printf_P (PSTR("Button %s"), (*pucData++ != 0 ? "ON " : "off"));
if (ucDataLen >= 2) {
uint8_t ucBatt;
// Battery voltage - 1 byte
ucBatt = *pucData++;
printf_P (PSTR(" Batt <0x%02X> %.2fV"), ucBatt, ADC_SCALE * (float) ucBatt / 256.0);
if (ucDataLen >= 4) {
int16_t iTemp;
// Temperature value - 2 bytes
iTemp = (*pucData++) << 8;
iTemp += *pucData++;
printf_P (PSTR(" Temp (0x%02X) %.1foC"), iTemp, (float)iTemp / 10.0);
if (ucDataLen >= 5) {
// Light Dependent Resistor value - 1 byte
printf_P (PSTR(" Ldr %d"), *pucData++);
while (pucData < (ucData + ucDataLen)) {
printf_P (PSTR("%02X "), *pucData++);
// show the payload size
printf_P (PSTR("> len=%d\n"), ucDataLen);
ucDataLen = 0; // reset. Otherwise this data is displayed non stop.
/* internal public functions ================================================ */
void vPrintOk (void);
void vPrintError (void);
void vEnumerateAllSensors (void);
void vCleanupSensorList (void);
void vDoTimCommand (char * cCmd, uint8_t ucLen);
void vDoCnfCommand (char * cCmd, uint8_t ucLen);
void vDoSndCommand (char * cCmd, uint8_t ucLen);
void vDoDelCommand (char * cCmd, uint8_t ucLen);
void vSendBackData (uint16_t usDeviceId, uint8_t * pucPayload, uint8_t ucPayloadLen);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vSensorPacketReceived (callback)
// xPacketType - Type de paquet reçu: BIND_REQUEST or fixed/variable data packets
// usDeviceId - Identifiant du capteur qui a envoyé le paquet
// ucUserDataCount - nombre d'octets de payload stockés dans pucBuffer
// pucData - Pointeur sur les données transmises. Seuls les ucUserDataCount octets sont valides.
void vSensorPacketReceived (PACKET_TYPES xPacketType, uint16_t usDeviceId,
uint8_t ucUserDataCount, volatile uint8_t * pucData) {
// Un paquet a été reçu venant d'un capteur: Placez votre code ici.
static uint8_t ucPacketCount;
if (ucUserDataCount == 5) {
if (pucData[4] != 0) { // this packet triggers the LED toggle
vLedToggle (LED_LED2);
if (ucFlags & PRINT_FLAG) {
printf_P (PSTR("%03d> S%d-"), ucPacketCount, xPacketType);
switch (xPacketType) {
puts_P (PSTR("BIND_REQUEST\n"));
case FIXED_DATA_PACKET: // 0x04: Data packet of fixed length as defined by SIZE_OF_FIXED_DATA_PACKET
// no break
case VARIABLE_DATA_PACKET: // 0x05: Data packet of variable length
printf_P (PSTR("ID%d <"), usDeviceId);
// copy payload to the buffer for later, time intensive processing
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < ucUserDataCount; n ++) {
ucData[n] = *pucData++;
ucDataLen = ucUserDataCount;
// set the backchannel data if there's storage free
if (rfIsBackchannelFree (usDeviceId)) {
rfSetBackchannelData (usDeviceId, 1, usBeaconTime, &ucPacketCount, 1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// implements the serial protocol of the hub module
// this function is called from the mainloop when data from the usart has
// been received.
vProcessRxData (void) {
static char cCmd[CMD_SIZE];
static uint8_t ucPos;
static char cLastChar;
while (usSerialHit() && (cLastChar != '\r')) {
cLastChar = cSerialGetChar();
ucFlags &= ~PRINT_FLAG;
cCmd[ucPos] = cLastChar;
if (ucPos < CMD_SIZE) {
else {
ucPos = 0;
// check for the end char - \r triggers the command matching
if (cLastChar == '\r') {
if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("rst\r"), 4) == 0) {
vPrintOk(); // acknowledge the rs command
else if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("gps\r"), 4) == 0) {
else if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("bon\r"), 4) == 0) {
// start bind / bind on
else if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("bof\r"), 4) == 0) {
// stop bind / bind off
else if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("enu\r"), 4) == 0) {
// enumerate all sensors
else if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("cln\r"), 4) == 0) {
// clear up the sensorlist
else if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("hex\r"), 4) == 0) {
// switch output to hex numbers
ucFlags ^= HEX_FLAG;
printf_P (PSTR("hex %d\r"), ucFlags & HEX_FLAG);
else if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("hlp\r"), 4) == 0) {
// display help message
else if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("cnf"), 3) == 0) {
// configure network parameters
vDoCnfCommand (cCmd, ucPos);
else if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("tim"), 3) == 0) {
// configure beacon time
vDoTimCommand (cCmd, ucPos);
else if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("snd"), 3) == 0) {
// send backchannel data
vDoSndCommand (cCmd, ucPos);
else if (strncmp_P (cCmd, PSTR("del"), 3) == 0) {
// remove sensor(s) from the hub
vDoDelCommand (cCmd, ucPos);
else { // unknown command - return error code
vPrintError(); // signal a problem
ucPos = 0; // reset the buffer to sync to the input
cLastChar = 0;
ucFlags |= PRINT_FLAG;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// serial protocol - everything is right
vPrintHelp (void) {
puts_P(PSTR("\n\nHub commands list:\n"
"rst\t\t\t\t - Reset firmware\n"
"gps\t\t\t\t - Get protocol status\n"
"bon\t\t\t\t - Set Bind On\n"
"bof\t\t\t\t - Set Bind Off\n"
"enu\t\t\t\t - Enumarate all sensors\n"
"cln\t\t\t\t - Cleanup sensor list\n"
"hex\t\t\t\t - Switch output to hex numbers\n"
"hlp\t\t\t\t - Display this help\n"
"cnf PNCODE CHANNEL\t\t - Configure Network parameters\n"
"tim BEACONTIME\t\t\t - Configure beacon time (unit=125ms)\n"
"snd DEVICEID BYTE1 [BYTE2]...\t - Send backchannel data\n"
"\t\t\t\t DEVICEID=x playload send to all devices\n"
"del [DEVICEID]\t\t\t - Remove sensor(s) from the hub\n\n"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// serial protocol - everything is right
vPrintOk (void) {
puts_P (PSTR("Ok"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// serial protocol - something was wrong. Command not understood
// or error while performing command.
vPrintError (void) {
puts_P (PSTR("Error"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
vPrintStatus (void) {
uint8_t ucStatus;
ucStatus = rfGetProtocolStatus();
printf_P (PSTR("Status 0x%02X\n"), ucStatus);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
vPrintBeaconTime (void) {
printf_P (PSTR("Beacon Time %d s.\n"), usBeaconTime >> 3);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vEnumerateAllSensors
// show all Devices/Sensors connected to the hub.
// go through all possible DeviceIds and query for a valid entry
// and its MID value. This data is than transfered to the host
vEnumerateAllSensors (void) {
uint16_t usDeviceId;
uint16_t usNumOfDevicesFound = 0;
uint16_t usMaximumDeviceId = rfGetMaximumDeviceId();
printf_P (PSTR("Maximum Devices = %d\n"), usMaximumDeviceId);
for (usDeviceId = 0; usDeviceId <= usMaximumDeviceId; usDeviceId++) {
MID xMid;
if (rfGetSensorMID (usDeviceId, &xMid)) {
// valid Device found
vSwapBytes ((uint8_t *) &xMid.u32Mid, 4);
printf_P (PSTR("deviceID = %d %+08lX\n"), usDeviceId, xMid.u32Mid);
printf_P (PSTR("nofDevices = %d\n"), usNumOfDevicesFound);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// remove duplicated entries out of the bound devices list. If a device/sensor
// tries to bind multiple time, it gets multiple deviceIds. There is not enough
// time in the firmware to check for duplicates while bind. So this functions
// removes them, when called. This can be quite time consuming.
vCleanupSensorList (void) {
uint16_t usDeviceId1;
uint16_t usMaximumDeviceId = rfGetMaximumDeviceId();
// go through all bound and active sensor nodes
for (usDeviceId1 = 0; usDeviceId1 <= usMaximumDeviceId; usDeviceId1++) {
MID xMid1;
uint16_t usDeviceId2;
if (rfGetSensorMID (usDeviceId1, &xMid1)) {
for (usDeviceId2 = usDeviceId1 + 1; usDeviceId2 <= usMaximumDeviceId; usDeviceId2++) {
MID xMid2;
if (rfGetSensorMID (usDeviceId2, &xMid2)) {
// check for a duplicate MID entry
if (memcmp (&xMid1, &xMid2, 4) == 0) {
printf_P (PSTR ("Same entry found! remove the first one %d\n"), usDeviceId1);
rfDeleteSensor (usDeviceId1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vSendBackData()
// deviceID - the id of the sensor, the target of the message
// pucPayload - pointer to the data that should be send to the sensor
// ucPayloadLen - amount of data that payload points to.
vSendBackData (uint16_t usDeviceId, uint8_t * pucPayload, uint8_t ucPayloadLen) {
static uint8_t ucPktCount = 0; // ucPktCount is incremented each time, just for fun + to see it is working
uint8_t ucStatus;
uint8_t * pucData = pucPayload;
printf_P (PSTR ("SND-ID%d <%04X %02X"), usDeviceId, usBeaconTime, ucPktCount);
while (pucData < (pucPayload + ucPayloadLen)) {
printf_P (PSTR("%02X "), *pucData++);
// show the payload size
printf_P (PSTR("> %d\n"), ucPayloadLen + 3);
// queue packet for transfer to the device/sensor
ucStatus = rfSetBackchannelData (usDeviceId, ucPktCount++, usBeaconTime, pucPayload, ucPayloadLen);
if (ucStatus == CMD_STATUS_MSG_QUEUED) {
else {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// process the <snd> command and parse three parameters.
// syntax: snd [usDeviceId] [payload]
// when usDeviceId=x the playload is send
// to all devices currently bound to the hub
vDoSndCommand (char * cCmd, uint8_t ucLen) {
uint16_t usDeviceId = 0;
bool sndToAll = false;
uint8_t * pucPayload = NULL;
uint8_t ucPayloadLen = 0;
uint8_t ucIndex;
if (ucLen > 4) {
// query for first number - cCmd+4 points to first character of the number
if (cCmd[4] == 'x') {
sndToAll = true;
else {
usDeviceId = atoi (&cCmd[4]);
// look for additional data, and set the pointer if found
for (ucIndex = 4; ucIndex < ucLen; ucIndex++) {
if ((cCmd[ucIndex] == ' ') && (ucLen > ucIndex + 1)) {
pucPayload = (uint8_t *) &cCmd[ucIndex + 1]; // cut the leading space
ucPayloadLen = ucLen - (ucIndex + 2); // cut the trailing \r
if (sndToAll == false) { // send data to one sensor
vSendBackData (usDeviceId, pucPayload, ucPayloadLen);
else { // send data to all sensors
uint16_t usDeviceId;
uint16_t usMaximumDeviceId = rfGetMaximumDeviceId();
for (usDeviceId = 0; usDeviceId <= usMaximumDeviceId; usDeviceId++) {
uint8_t ucStatus;
ucStatus = rfGetSensorMID (usDeviceId, NULL);
if (ucStatus) {
vSendBackData (usDeviceId, pucPayload, ucPayloadLen);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// process the <cnf> command and parse two parameters.
// syntax: cnf [ucPnCode] [ucChannel]
// calls rfConfigureNetwork
vDoCnfCommand (char * cCmd, uint8_t ucLen) {
uint8_t ucPnCode = 1; // set the default values
uint8_t ucChannel = 1;
uint8_t ucStatus;
if (ucLen > 4) {
uint8_t ucIndex;
// query for first number - cCmd+4 points to first character of the number
ucPnCode = atoi (&cCmd[4]);
for (ucIndex = 4; ucIndex < ucLen; ucIndex++) {
if (cCmd[ucIndex] == ' ') {
ucChannel = atoi (&cCmd[ucIndex]);
// this code changes the mid value of the hub
//U32 nMid = 0x6035f934;//34 f9 35 60
//uint8_t ucStatus = rfConfigureNetwork (ucPnCode, ucChannel, &nMid);
// mid value should stay as it is given in the iDwaRF module
ucStatus = rfConfigureNetwork (ucPnCode, ucChannel, NULL);
if (ucStatus == 0) {
printf_P (PSTR ("Pn=%d - Ch=%d\n"), ucPnCode, ucChannel);
else {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// process the <tim> command and parse one parameter.
// syntax: tim [beacontime]
vDoTimCommand (char * cCmd, uint8_t ucLen) {
if (ucLen > 4) {
// query for first number - cCmd+4 points to first character of the number
usBeaconTime = atoi (&cCmd[4]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// process the <del> command and parse one parameter.
// syntax: del [usDeviceId]
// removes the sensor <devideId> from the list of known sensors.
vDoDelCommand (char * cCmd, uint8_t ucLen) {
uint16_t usDeviceId = 0; // set the default values
uint8_t ucStatus;
if (ucLen > 4) {
// query for first number - cCmd+4 points to first character of the number
usDeviceId = atoi (&cCmd[4]);
ucStatus = rfDeleteSensor (usDeviceId);
printf_P (PSTR("0x%02X\n"), ucStatus);
/* ========================================================================== */